Type R Trophy driver

About Us
Proudly competing against the odds
Adam was diagnosed with high functioning autism at a young age and whilst he didn't have the smoothest of rides at primary school, he made it through in mainstream with lots of support.
High school was a different story, and not so successful with Adam having to be home schooled for a period of time before starting at a special school for children with autism and anxiety issues where eventually he's starting to fit in and progress.
Throughout this difficult time, the only thing Adam has in his life which he's good at, passionate about and that drives him is his love for racing. What's strange is that this doesn't seem to fit for someone with sensory processing issues, and with social anxiety, but for whatever reason, it works and it defines who he is.
This site is all about Adam, his family and friends, his love for racing and his ambitious plans for the future.
"Autism . . . offers a chance for us to glimpse an awe-filled vision of the world that might otherwise pass us by.”
Dr Colin Zimbleman, Ph.D.